
Friday, July 22, 2011

Hits 4 Pay

Hits4Pay is a company which pays you to read e-mails which display in their browser. You log into your Hits4Pay account, and load the e-mails, and after about 60 seconds or so, a "confirm this paid e-mail" link appears in the top right-hand corner of the page.

Three prong test:
1 - Do we have proof of payment?
2 - Is there a non-internet contact for the company?
3 - Online complaints

1 - YES
2 - YES
3 - Few & far between.

1) Proof of payment. I myself have been paid, via PayPal for using Hits4Pay. Once your account reaches $25, they clear it (around the 1st of the month) and around the 20th of the month - you see the money appear in your PayPal account. See the image - to see proof of my $26.45 sent to me today! :-) ... I usually make around $25 every 6 months or so. I receive around 25-30 e-mails a week from Hits4Pay. When signing up - make sure to pick as many interest categories as they allow - so that you get the most e-mails per week.

2) What makes this company more near-and-dear to my heart, is that they are local to me, in the Great State of New York! The parent company is call Multiple Stream Media - and they have a lovely "About Us" if you want to read all about the company founders, plus it will give you a mailing address for them too. But more importantly, right at Hits4Pay, they provide you with the company phone number. 845-383-1275. Same area code as mine!

3) There does appear to be one complaint from a Jeremy from Oklahoma in RipOffReport - but overall, most folks seem happy, and have received their money. One thing that Hits4Pay does make sure to point out is that YOU, the original user must read and confirm at least 1 e-mail in order to be paid. You cannot just have $25 of referral e-mails.

The only thing that DOES look kinda of scammy about Hits4Pay is their "Affiliate Builder Program" - where you pay them $5.99 per month to have users who are not referred to the site signed up under you - so they become your referral.

PROBLEMS - 1) you are not guaranteed any given number of new referrals each month. So you could pay them for a whole year and not see a single referral and not have any way to get your money back... because they warned you!

2) There's this little link that TODAY says "Only 500 189 Subscriber Spots left! (Updated every 24 hours)" - I have a problem with this because in May, when it started, there were only "86" spots left, then a little while ago in June, there were ONLY "93" spots left. Seems KINDA funky... right? And right below that little link, in the further info, about the APB program, it says there's only 86 spots left again. Tricksy hobbitses.

So overall - as long as you do not PAY for their APB program, you should be able to make $50-$100 with Hits4Pay each year, provided how into it you get. Definitely not a scam.

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